ImpromptMe is currently available for use only in London and Prague. Other cities coming soon!
Text less. Talk more. Enjoy your life, meet new people, share a drink or a bite with them & gain credits to spend in restaurants and bars along the way.
We believe in challenging the status-quo of traditional social-media platforms. We believe in the power & importance of face-to-face interactions. And we believe it’s time to make conversations human once again.
How? By creating a platform with a non-addictive design, which speeds up online interactions, allows people to text less and talk more, and empowers them to create meaningful relationships with others.
And so we created a simple, straightforward app, which enables all of us to do just that: To go and meet someone new in a nearby cafe or a restaurant, start a conversation in person and take it from there. It is up to you to explore the potential of each and every encounter. Are you ready to take a chance?